tl;dr: Keep your browser up to date
If you are streaming through a web browser (including Chromebooks). We recommend a version of Chrome no more than two versions old.
The way MAS streams through the web is reasonably bleeding edge, and we are consistently keeping the platform updated to accommodate any performance benefits we can eek out.
We develop against current Chrome . Other web browsers derived from this (e.g. Edge) should be up to date with this too.
At time of writing, Chrome is officially supported to v.113.
There are no known issues with Safari v.14+, but we only actively test to the current version.
Known Issues:
Chromebooks occasionally have issues with accessing a plugged in camera. The camera appears to be selectable, but the viewfinder is always black/blank. This has been seen in the field with Chromebooks MAS has provided as late as Chrome version 108/OS v.69. Solution has been to update Chrome to v.113+
- An unintentional hack-around is to revoke camera permissions, then re-permit them and/or try running in an Incognito window .
Some jurisdictions in the E.U. and asia do not provide the necessary hardware in your device, even if your software is all up to date.