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This will be automatically filled for most sports.

You *usually* CANNOT change this when a match is underway!

Each scoring vendor provides its own concept of a "keyboard". This is an interface for collecting scores from; most third parties will only provide one option but MAS may provide more sophisticated keyboards depending on how much data you want to collect about a game.

Basic basketball keyboard

Example of the MAS provided "basic" scoring keyboard for basketball.

Each sport will have its concept of a "basic" keyboard, usually just score and time, that creates a simplistic set of highlights and overlay options.

However, as you become more comfortable with scoring, you may wish to do more insightful graphics, data collection, and highlights. In this case, MAS (and others) provide more advanced keyboards for you to select from.

"Pro" basketball keyboard

Example of the MAS provided "pro" scoring keyboard for basketball.

Scoring on a "pro" keyboard will be more involved if you're looking to maximise the viewing/replay experience for your users. If you are the videographer AND the scorer for a game, consider starting on just the "basic" versions and build up to more "advanced" ones as you gain confidence.

Default Selection

MAS will automatically pick a keyboard if only one exists and will be usually be skipped altogether when using a third party (it is up to the third party to determine if this is relevant to their scoring system).